When "break a leg" is not a joke anymore
On a Saturday morning on July 27, 2019, as I was going down the stairs in my apartment, I absent-mindedly missed two steps on the staircase and crashed landed onto the floor. It happened in a flash, one moment on the stairs and the next, sprawled on the ground. The excruciating pain shot through my leg foot as I grasped it tightly, waiting for the pain to subside. Then I limped into the kitchen and pulled out a bag of frozen peas to ice the sore foot. Seeing that I could still slightly move my toes and that the pain was tolerable, I mistakenly believed that I had narrowly escaped a broken foot. I have always thought that if you can move your fingers or toes, then nothing is broken. And if something was broken, the pain would be so unbearable that you would be tearing your hair out. With that self diagnosis concluded, I held off going to Emergency and thought that the injury would heal over time. I had a summer BBQ party that same evening and had promised ...